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    Wednesday, November 18, 2009

    Festival of Miracles: First Night

    The people gathered at "The Place of the Trees," in Tséviè, Togo to hear the Gospel. I preach about the Power of Jesus to forgive sin and to heal diseases. I tell them with boldness, "The power of Jesus is greater than the power of juju."

    A sea of hands reaches heavenward as thousands of Togolese receive Jesus as their Savior. The people rejoice knowing that they have received the life of Jesus.

    During the prayer for the sick the people cry out to God in faith, putting into practice the truths that I've preached.

    Then it is time for them to act their faith. Darkness has settled and the few available lights are not sufficient for the people to find their way to the platform to testify. I continued to encourage those who are healed to come and give public witness of the miracle they have received from Christ.

    All of a sudden it's like a bolt of electricity shoots through the multitude. A man begins running across the platform. For seven years he has been blind and unable to walk. He is completely healed. A woman begins running who has not walked in 35 years. A blind woman is seeing. A woman who could not bend for many years is bending, jumping and running. So many amazing miracles of healing! The people are shouting and clapping and shouting for joy!

    This town is witnessing the power of the risen Jesus.

    One of the pastors says, "We will have to change our message. We've preached that the day of miracles is passed. Now our mouths are open in a amazement. We are seeing miracles with our own eyes."

    Rejoice with us. Believe with us that tomorrow will be even greater.
    This is Bible day evangelism.

    Jesus is indeed alive! We are His witnesses!

    1 comment:

    1. I am happy and amazed to read this heart with kind and gentle to the truth bublique you share across Africa that is hungry for the true gospel.
      I loved being in Togo with you to experience this event and also help you in other circumstances but in any case one day we will have a program together in Ivory Coast and we will arrange for a true Gospel and sustainable the mission of God is continually with you and grace be with you.

