This statement by Dr. LaDonna is radical! “We are connected in SPIRIT, in PURPOSE, in MISSION, in FAITH, in HOPE and in the priority of ministering Christ's LOVE to a hurting world. ... Partner with us in each Gospel mission. When you give, part of YOU is going with us to bring GOOD NEWS and healing to multitudes of people.”
How is it that the same reward, effect, pouring out, that is on the “go-er” can be on the giver? How can we be partners? We know this by what happened to James and John, Simon's partners, when Jesus asked Simon to “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” (NKJV) The result was an AMAZING. Simon's nets were full and breaking with fish and he needed help. He motioned for James and John and their boat was filled also. James and John partnered with Peter. The entire catch would have been lost without them.
Let's be determined not to let opportunities go by. Jesus is still leading us out to the deep for an amazing catch! Our nets are breaking. Let's all be a part of the overflow and partner together.
Hear Dr. Daisy's teaching "Who's in Your Boat?" for great encouragement.
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