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    Friday, November 20, 2009

    The GOOD NEWS of Jesus breaks the bondage of Satan

    Every day in miracle evangelism is unique. There are no formulas. No rituals. The only constants are the needs of people, the healing power of Jesus and a person willing to announce the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS. Day 3 begins.

    When I arrive at the "Place of Trees" this evening, the crowd is small. I soon learn that today is Market Day in Tsévié so the people will have to come late. Rather than miss the opportunity to use the remaining sunlight, I open the Festival and ask people who have been healed to come and tell their stories. About a dozen people come to the platform. Each is full of joy as they tell their story with great annimation. The people laugh and rejoiced with those who are healed.

    Gradually as the sun is setting I begin to teach the people the wonderful story of God's love for them. I say, "God's Story is GOOD NEWS for you!" Then beginning in Genesis I tell that God made them in His image to share His life. Then I tell them how the devil came to deceive and the first man and woman believed his lies and turned away from God. But the good news is that God loved people so much that He came in Jesus to suffer their punishment and to reclaim them as His children.

    I tell them the wonderful good news of how they can receive the life of Jesus today and become children of God.

    Before I ask for decisions for Christ, the people are raising their hands and waving them ao they can be included in the prayer.

    There is no greater joy than helping people to know Jesus Christ and to experience a spiritual new birth. Thank you for helping us come to Togo.

    Then I pray for the many sick who have gathered. By this time it is dark. The few lights do little to give light to the multitude. The largest crowd yet has gathered. I can hear the vast multitude calling out to God for a miracle.

    It's time for the people to act their faith. Everywhere people are bending, trying to move their legs. At the side of the platform a woman is trying to walk. She is on her feet but unable to stand. She has little strength. I leave the platform to help her. Allowing her to lean on my back with her arms around my shoulders I give her strength to begin walking. I feel her weight on me. Her feet are dragging behind us both. Then I feel strength coming into her body. She straightens up and stands. I turn around and she is standing on her own with her hands raised to heaven.

    By this time people are pressing me on every side, wanting me to touch their sick bodies. I return to the platform to find many who have already come to give public testimony to the miracle that they have received from Christ.

    Those who could not walk for six, 12, 20 years are walking. A girl who was cursed with witchcraft and had leprosy is delivered. A young woman who was epileptic describes her miracle.

    Some tell that they were healed when they walked on the field. Others were healed during the prayer.

    A young man tells of his amazing conversion. He says, "I was dead but now I'm alive."

    An old 80 year old woman comes to me. She could not walk and she has been blind. Tonight she is walking and she can see.

    There is dancing and singing, jumping and running as the life of Jesus and His healing love empowers the people.

    After hearing scores of testimonies, It's time to let the people go home. They don't want to leave. Many are continuing to act their faith in the power of Jesus. The miracles will continue even as people find their way home.

    Friends, the name of Jesus is being heard in Tsévié tonight! His wonderful works are being declared.

    The Togo Mission continues!

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