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    Sunday, December 6, 2009

    Receive Your Healing

    Many people pray for years for blessings which God has promised, but they will not believe that they have received the answer until they can feel and see it. This is not faith.

    Faith means that you are convinced that what God has promised, and what you asked for, is yours; that you have received it even before you can see or feel it.  

    Biblical faith is based on God's promises alone.

    It is here in our natural mind (our human logistics) and our spiritual faith engage their greatest conflicts. It is the struggle of our reason against what God's word says.

    We pray for healing, but sometimes the answer is not manifested at once. We may still feel the pain or the fever. God' word declares that by His stripes we are healed. -Isa 53:5, 1 Pe 2:24. Our reason argues that the disease is still present, but we refuse human logistics and we look only to the word of God. We do not give attention to what we see or feel, but only what God says in His word-and we act according. This is biblical faith.

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